Empower the Warrior Within


Growing in your faith requires laying down neural pathways to form new habits through consistent daily practice.

What you will learn:

~ Daily Practice

~ Weekly Focus

~ Measurable Progress

~ Community Support

Michele McHenry

Michele McHenry is a Registered Nurse, Award-Winning Business Leader,

International Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and
John Maxwell Certified Coach.

For over forty years, she has taught thousands of women worldwide discover the real why beneath the weight so they can lose it for good and feel great in their own skin.

Michele is known as the “Aging Well Expert” and credits her clients’ high success rate to her unique blend of
her medical background, personal experience, and her unapologetic belief that everyone deserves to live from your God-given power in all areas of your life. She has been featured on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, and MarketWatch.

Michele has her MBA, loves to travel, and spend time with her family. She spent most of her career living in Pennsylvania and now lives in Colorado so she can enjoy being Nana to her two beautiful granddaughters.



Site: www.michelemchenry.com